leaf plates
Our ambitious aim is to overcome the waste pollution in South East Asia. Problems such as...
1. Lack of bins
2.Limited recycling
3. Single use packaging
Our leaf plates as an alternative, although may not eradicate these issues, provides a solution so that these issues may not lead to littering pollution that harms the Earth.

The art of using leaves such as banana leaves or teak leaves such as ours to serve and carry food has been used by our ancestors for a very long time before plastic and Styrofoam. So the technology is not something that is new to us.
Functionally these natural materials compliments the type of food that originates from this part of the world and is even imbedded in the cooking stage. With that in mind we simply take from what has been used before and brought to back to modernized this form.
Naturally simple
us and teak
The plant is native to southeast Asia, mainly India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar and Bangladesh. Every element of the teak tree can be cultivated. The fresh leaves of the trees are edible and because of the water proofing ability of these leaves it has been used for construction, furniture and boat decks. The bark and leaf has been proven to be medicinal and the wood trunk is a durable material.
" Leaves are used in traditional medicine to treat anemia, asthenia, fever, malaria and tuberculosis."